We’re looking for a few good folks to help with the
North Central District Horse Bowl competition scheduled to take place on
Saturday, February 11th – would you be interested in lending a hand?
This year, the competition will once again be held at the Guilford County Extension Center located at 3309 Burlington Rd, Greensboro, NC 27405. Registration is slated to take place from 9:00-9:45AM, followed by a contest start time of 10:00AM. This is a GREAT youth development event that impacts numerous youth across our district. We plan to run two rooms for competition, and we’re in need of the following volunteers to make this run as efficiently as possible:
- Moderators – One per room for a total of two: to read the questions and reset the buzzers (we prefer to have an experienced moderator who has volunteered before)
- Judges – Two per room for a total of four : decide if answers given (that are different from the answer listed in the question and answer key) are correct or incorrect
- Score keepers – Two per room for a total of four: keep up with how many points each team has (one individual and one team score keeper)
- Door keepers – One per room for a total of two: make certain that no one enters or exits the room during a match
- Runners (usually a couple of teen 4-Hers) – to take score sheets to the tabulations room
We will gladly provide volunteers with a free lunch (in addition to the reward of helping these young people develop integral life skills that will serve them well for years to come - hey, how can you beat that?!)
If you are willing to help, please contact me the office @ 336-372-5597 or amy_lucas@ncsu.edu
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