Create artwork for the 2011-12 North Carolina Farm to School Calendar. Artwork should feature “
Scenes of North Carolina Agriculture”.
FOURTEEN entries will be chosen to illustrate the calendar for the 2011-12 school year.
All North Carolina public school students in grades Kindergarten through Six are eligible to participate.
Entry Details
Students’ art work must be original. Creativity and lots of color are encouraged.
The calendar will highlight the diverse agriculture throughout the state. Artwork entered in the contest MUST include the theme “Scenes of North Carolina Agriculture”.
Markers, crayon, watercolor, ink, pencil, acrylic, tempera paint or colored pencils can be used. No 3-dimensional art, pastel, chalk, paint-by-numbers, commercial art kits or computer generated work.
SIZE: Entries must be 11 by 8.5 inches, HORIZONTAL pictures only.
Entries must be on white or light colored paper that will allow duplication, scanning and display. Do not use ruled notebook paper.
Entries must be flat. Do not fold, matte, mount, laminate or frame art. Use of cartoon characters, TV figures and logos is not acceptable.
An official entry blank or copy MUST be completed and securely taped to the back of each entry. Please do not staple or glue forms to artwork. Make sure entry form is filled out completely and that writing is legible. Only one entry per artist.
The Calendar
The winning art will be used for the cover and inside illustrations.
A minimum number of calendars will be sent to each school district before the start of the 2011-12 school year. Additional copies will be available through NCDA & CS on a first-come, first serve basis. Calendars will be available free of charge.
Each student who enters the contest will receive a personalized certificate of participation. Fourteen students will receive a $50 savings bond and their artwork will be featured in the 2011-12 NC Farm to School Calendar and on the Farm to School website
Entries must be received (not postmarked) by May 1, 2011.
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