AIRE is an opportunity for older youth to prepare for filling out college applications, making a resume, and having job interviews.
AIRE also known as Application, Interview, Resume & Essay is a 4-step process by which youth are chosen to attend National events such as National Congress, National Conference, and International Leadership Conference.
Any youth ages 14-18 can participate. Age is determined by age as of January 1 of the current year. Youth are chosen from this program to attend National 4-H Congress, National 4-H Conference and International Leadership Conference. You must complete an application and submit a resume of no more than two pages. An essay of 500 words or less is also required. Essays can be on any topic that relates to you. Applications, Essay and Resume’s are due to the Extension Office by Wednesday, May 11th. The Interview portion of AIRE is conducted at NC 4-H Congress in Raleigh in July. For more information contact the Extension Office or visit the links below.
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