When: November 3-4
Who: Youth ages 13-18
Cost: $80
Where: Raleigh (McKimmon Center)
It is almost time for the 2012 State 4-H Council Conference! The dates of the conference are November 3 & 4 and it will be held at the Jane S. McKimmon Center in Raleigh. State Council Conference is for youth ages 13 - 18. We are planning exciting workshops and speakers for the event. As most of you are aware this year our Council is focusing on the Revolution of Responsibility and 4-H’ers will enjoy the workshops that are being planned around this. We will have a variety of workshops at this year’s conference including programmatic workshops, Ambassador workshops and State Council workshops.
There will be a dance and spirit stick competition.
To register, contact the Extension Office at 336-372-5597 (ask for Amy or Michele).
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