The Alleghany 4-H Horse Camp will be held June 26-30, 2010 at the Alleghany County Fairgrounds located in Sparta. Campers will enjoy improving their horsemanship skills while having fun with other 4-H'ers. Special activities include speakers, clinicians, and trail ride, training, and other traditional camp activities. The nonrefundable camp fee is $100.00 per camper. This fee and all forms are due by June 14th to reserve slot. Camper spaces are limited and will be filled based on the completed application.

Attendance for camp is open to youth that are certified North Carolina 4-H members and have access to a sound horse. The camper must supply his/her own horse, equipment, feed and transportation to and from the camp. Each camper will be solely responsible for the care and feeding of his/her mount. Camp leaders will supervise camper's duties daily. If accepted, campers must bring a horse that is free of disease and in good health. Horses are required to have a current negative Coggins test. No exceptions will be made! Horses exhibiting lameness or behavior problems will be sent home. Camper will be allowed to exchange horses or continue to stay without a horse.
There are openings for Junior Leaders that are registrated 4-H'ers. They must be 16-19 years old. Junior Leaders will be assisting the group with camp activities, duties, fixing meals and helping with Cloverbuds. Junior leaders will be considered a camper and will be responsible for forms, etc. Junior leaders will not be charged.
Timeline for Camp:
Application due by June 1st
Applicants will be notified of acceptance by June 5th
Entire Camp Fee and forms are due by June 14th
Camp begins June 26th
Required Forms:
4-H Medical Information and Informed Consent for Treatment
NC Dept. of 4-H Youth Dev. Health History and Custody Release
NC 4-H and Alleghany Co 4-H Photographic, Video & Audio Optional Publicity Release
Health Record for Horse and Current Negative Collins for E.I.A.
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