Who can participate? All youth ages 9 –18
9-10 Age Division • 11-13 Age Division • 14-18 Age Division
When? Entries Due to the Extension Office by Wednesday, May 19th
Why? To investigate and learn more about a career that interests you!
Theme? “Career Exploration”
How?1. Poster must be on standard poster board and must be of uniform size 22” X 28”– other sizes are ineligible.
2. Use theme to select a career you are interested in and share it with us! For example: “Explore Nursing.”
3. Newspaper and film cartoon characters may not be used.
4. Posters must contain only original artwork done by the artist.
5. Do not attach items thicker than the poster board to the poster.
6. Keep it simple and to the point.
7. Posters will be on display from mid-May until District Activity Day.
8. Complete a contest entry form and tape/paste it on the back of your poster.
WinnersThe top poster in each age division will move onto district competition. District competition will be held during District Activity Day on June 23rd in Mecklenburg County with the top poster in each age division at the district level competing for state awards. The state competition will be held in July during 4-H Congress. All State level entries will be displayed during 4-H Congress.
Click here for more information and the entry form.