4-H’ers from Alleghany County attended North Carolina 4-H Congress July 18-21st in Raleigh, North Carolina. Congress is the high point of the 4-H year, bringing young people from across the state to the North Carolina State University campus and Raleigh for four days of activity. More than 500 4-H’ers, volunteer leaders and North Carolina Cooperative Extension agents attended 4-H Congress.
4-H’ers who attended from Alleghany County included Bryanna Lindberg, Natasha Hamm and Arianne Hurtado. While at 4-H Congress, delegates were able to take part in activities such as presentations, workshops, and were also able to participate in a hands-to-service project benefiting the Second Harvest Food Bank. This year the 4-Her’s packaged over 42,000 pounds of rice and 3,500 pounds of pasta. Delegates also had the opportunity to tour the 4-H exhibit at the NC State Library and elect their incoming state officers.
All Alleghany 4-Her’s participated in state presentations. Bryanna received a silver medal in the public speaking category where her topic was Malaria while Natasha and Arianne received bronze medals for their team presentation on the Dirty Secrets of Blood Spatter in the Science and Technology category.