Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wilkes County Fair and Livestock Shows

Friday, September 18, 2009
West Central District 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Fall Day

The upcoming Leaders' Fall day will be Saturday, November 14, 2009 at the Rowan County Extension Center in Salisbury, North Carolina from 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
This event is open to those who are current leaders or volunteers or to anyone interested in learning more about 4-H.
Cost: Free
Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
The deadline to register is Friday, November 6th!
This year workshop topics include: What is ACE, Project Books from A to Z, Goat Basics, Woodworking, Friends of State Parks, Etiquette, Gifts by Nature and Sew Resourceful. For a detailed agenda, please click HERE.
Transportation will be provided, at no charge, to the first five registrants. For more information or to register contact the Extension Office at (336) 372-5597 or e-mail amy_lucas@ncsu.edu.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
4-H Zooms into National 4-H Week

Monday, September 14, 2009
Glow in the Dark Party

When: Friday, October 9—Saturday, October 10
Cost: $5
Where: Surry County Extension Office
Registration Deadline: September 30th
Don’t miss out on this exciting sleepover adventure as we make our way to Surry County for a glowing night of food, games, arts and crafts, entertainment, and a glow in the dark obstacle course all in celebration of National 4-H week (October 4th-10th).
Saturday morning we will be traveling to Fisher River Park to participate in the Big Sweep project.
We will meet at the Alleghany Extension Office at 5 pm on Friday and will return on Saturday around 12 pm. Snacks and breakfast will be provided. We encourage you to invite a friend even if they are not currently a 4-H'er. Space is limited so be sure to call now to register.
You will be given a suggested list of things to bring when you register.
For more information and to register contact the Extension Office at (336) 372-5597 or e-mail amy_lucas@ncsu.edu
West Central 4-H District Science Fair

Where: Catawba Science Center
Set up begins at 8:00 am
Judging begins at 9:00 am
Entry Forms due by September 30th
Hands-on science workshops while you wait for judging!
Junior (9-13) and Senior (14-18): 1st—$75,
2nd place-$50, 3rd place-$25
Electric and Energy Junior and Senior:
1st-$100, 2nd place-$50, 3rd place-$25
Cloverbuds (5-8) may enter a project or science poster in a non competitive category
What is required at the science fair?
1) A tri-fold display, explaining the steps of your project
2) Some participants include visuals showing parts of their projects
3) A copy of your research paper is also optional
4) Be prepared to answer judges questions about your project
For more information on completing a science fair project visit: www.sciencebuddies.org
Entry forms can be found HERE or by contacting the
Extension Office. Need help finding a project or for more information contact Amy Lucas @ (336) 372-5597 or amy_lucas@ncsu.edu.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
September Clover News

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Open Youth Horse Show

The cost to participate in the show is $4 per class or $20 to show all day. Friday night (September 11th) there will be a show pre-registration as well as an open ring from 7 - 8:30 pm.