Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The White House Student Film Festival


The First-EVER White House Student Film Festival:

Something big is happening today, and you don't have to be a kid to be excited about it:

We're launching our first-ever White House Student Film Festival -- and we're inviting K-12 students from around the country to create and submit one- to three-minute short web videos.

Finalists could have their videos screened at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and posted on the White House website. It might just be cooler than having your homework up on the fridge.

The topic: Highlighting the importance of technology in the classroom -- and imagining how technology will change the educational experience for kids in the future.

Interested, or know someone who would be?

*Check out our official page here -- where you can learn more, read the official rules, learn how to submit your video, and hear from Bill Nye (the Science Guy). And if you're a parent, guardian, or teacher, make sure you spread the word to kids with big ideas. 

Submissions are due by January 29th 2014

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