Deadline to register: May 2, 2011
What is the Poultry Science Summer Institute?
The summer institute is a four-day, four-night conference designed to broaden the high school student’s understanding of the educational disciplines, scholarship opportunities, careers and industries related to poultry science.
Who can attend & how much is it?
Any high school student (rising 11th and 12th graders) with an interest in the biological sciences or a career in the poultry industry may apply to attend. You must list as a reference a high school science teacher, counselor, County Extension agent, 4H leader or vocational agriculture instructor.
Cost for the conference is only $50.00, which includes your lodging on campus, all meals, field trips, workshop materials, great goody bags and entertainment.
How do I apply?
Once you’ve decided to join us, just follow the simple steps below. There’s nothing to lose!
Fill out the registration form before the May 2nd deadline.
Complete a brief personal statement indicating why you are interested in the experience (this is very helpful when we are selecting who will be chosen to attend!).
Mail or fax your form to Melissa Scherpereel at the address on the bottom by May 2nd.
We will notify you of your acceptance by the second week of May.
Space is limited to 15 - 20 and this program is very popular. If you are not accepted the first time, please consider applying again next year.
What's in it for me?
You will get to see what campus life is really like at North Carolina State University when you come to the summer iInstitute. You will be staying in University Towers, a private residence hall (with a pool), going to local fun spots, doing hands-on-experimentation in a classroom setting, and doing all sorts of things that college students do. In other words, you'll get to "try us on for size". Students participating in the program will get to interact informally with numerous NC State Univ. faculty, staff and current poultry science students. Attendees will learn about the vast field that is Poultry Science as well as specific information on our Poultry Science Degree Program and areas such as:
Career Fields & Areas of Opportunity
Scholarship Requirements and Availability
Internships while Attending College
Employment Connections upon Graduation
How to Apply to College and When
and about anything else you would like to know about POULTRY!
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