Who: All teens - (13+) as of January 1
Where: Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp
When: March 11-13, 2011
Cost: $90 (scholarships may be available) - includes transportation, 4 meals, 2 nights lodging, workshop materials and t-shirt
Be prepared to learn a lot, make new friends and have a great time. This will be a two-night retreat. Participants will need to come prepared to stay in cabins (bring their own sleeping bags, pillow, toiletries, etc.). We will be leaving the extension office at 5:00pm on Friday and will return by lunch on Sunday. The weekend will be kicked off with mixers and officer introductions on Friday night.
Saturday will consist of a morning assembly, workshops, afternoon activities and a dance that night. Sunday morning, we will have our closing assembly, elections, and adjourn around 10:00 am. Ambassador workshops will be offered. To register, contact the Extension Office.
Deadline to register: Friday, February 25th.
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