Monday, February 24, 2020
4-H Summer Camp 2020 - BJP
Summer is just around the corner and it's not too soon to start thinking about camp. We'll be heading to Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H camp in Reidsville, NC (June 28 - July 3) and we'd love to have you join us! Camp is open to youth ages 8+ (age is at time of camp) and we are excited about another awesome year. Campers will get to participate in canoeing, archery, swimming, horseback riding, rope course, arts and crafts and much, much more. Don't miss out on this life changing opportunity!!
Spots are being reserved now and are very limited.
$50 will reserve your space.
For more information visit the links below or contact the office at 336-372-5597.
Campers are grouped by age and experience ~
Traditional 8-12;
Adventurer 12-13;
Trekker 13 -14;
LIT (Leader in Training) 15-16.
Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp
Summer Camp Forms
Trekker Forms
LIT Application Forms
Sample Packing List
Spots are being reserved now and are very limited.
$50 will reserve your space.
For more information visit the links below or contact the office at 336-372-5597.
Campers are grouped by age and experience ~
Traditional 8-12;
Adventurer 12-13;
Trekker 13 -14;
LIT (Leader in Training) 15-16.
Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp
Summer Camp Forms
Trekker Forms
LIT Application Forms
Sample Packing List
Thursday, January 9, 2020
9th Annual 4-H Ski & Snowboard Trip
WHO: Open to youth & adults 8+ (under 12 requires a parent/guardian)
WHERE: Appalachian Ski Mountain / French-Swiss Ski College
COST: $60 for either ski or snowboard, including dinner (Chick-Fil-A) OR $50 ski / $55 Snowboard without dinner. Both options include equipment and lift ticket.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 31, 2020

The cost to attend is $60 for either ski or snowboard, which includes dinner (Chick-Fil-A), drink and snacks. If you do not wish to eat dinner, the cost will be $50 for ski and $55 for snowboard. There is a snack bar on site, but it can be a little high. Lessons will be offered for $12. We highly recommend the lessons for any first-timers. Clothing rental is separate.
Spaces are limited, so please fill out this Google Registration Form to reserve your space.
***You are NOT considered fully registered until the registration fee has been paid and all forms have been received***
Friday, November 22, 2019
Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol / Barter Theatre
Are you looking for a ghostly experience this holiday season? Join us as we travel
to Barter Theater on Wednesday, December 18th for a 2 p.m. showing of Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol.

The cost is $25 and is open to youth and adults 10+. Tickets are very limited. To hold your ticket, please fill out this Google Form or contact the office @ 336-372-5597. Registration is not complete until payment is received. Please fill out a new form for each individual you would like to attend.
We will leave at 12 p.m. and plan to return at 8:00 p.m. We realize this is a school day, but we have checked with the elementary schools and they will not be counted absent if they are there until 11:30 and the high school has an Educational Opportunity Form that can be filled out so it will be an excused absence. If your child would need to be picked up from school, please let us know and we can arrange that.
We plan to stop for dinner after the show (cost of dinner is on your own ~$15)
2019 4-H Holiday Plant Sale
It's time for the 4-H Holiday Poinsettia Plant Sale!! We are offering 4 color choices in 2 sizes, as well as foil and bow options. Click here for the description/order form.
The deadline for orders and payment is Wednesday, December 4, 2019. The pick up date will be Tuesday, December 10th from 9am to 5pm.
Help us help our local youth. ALL proceeds are used to provide scholarship opportunities for 4-H Camp and other 4-H events.
For any questions or more information call 336-372-5597 or you can email Michele Hamm.
The deadline for orders and payment is Wednesday, December 4, 2019. The pick up date will be Tuesday, December 10th from 9am to 5pm.
Help us help our local youth. ALL proceeds are used to provide scholarship opportunities for 4-H Camp and other 4-H events.
For any questions or more information call 336-372-5597 or you can email Michele Hamm.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
2019 Winterfest
North Central District Winterfest
When: Saturday, December 7, 2019
Where: Forsyth Cooperative Extension Office
Deadline to Register: November 21
Cost: $10.00 per person
Who: Open to youth 12-18 (you must be 12 as of January 1, 2019)
This a great day of workshop opportunities, community service event and networking with other 4-Hers from across our district.
If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office at (336) 372-5597 or You do not have to have participated in 4-H to be able to attend. We welcome youth interested in finding out more about what 4-H is and this is a great way to meet other 4-Hers from across our district.
You will need to fill out a Medical Release Form, Media Release and Enrollment Form even if you have participated in 4-H before.
If you are interested in attending, please contact the Extension Office.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
2019 Summer Fun Online Registration
The 2019 Alleghany 4-H Summer Fun online registration form is now available.

Here is the link to sign up...

Here is the link to sign up...
Saturday, May 25, 2019
2019 Alleghany 4-H Summer Fun Newsletter
The 2019 Alleghany 4-H Summer Fun Newsletter is now available to view and download. Be sure to check it out so you don't miss any of the fun and exciting opportunities being offered this year!
**Registrations will be accepted starting at 11 am on Wednesday, May 29th. We will offer an online registration form again this year and if you want to register in person, we will be open for extended hours (until 6:30 pm) on the 29th ONLY.
The link for the online registration form and other required forms will be posted when registration is activated (11 am on 5-29).If there is a fee, payment is due at the time of registration to secure your child's space. There is also a one-time registration fee of $14, which includes a t-shirt. We accept cash, check and debit/credit cards.
For more information, please call 336-372-5597 or you can email Michele or Amy with any questions.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
4-H Citizenship Focus
Who: 4-Her's 14-18 (must be 14 by January 1, 2019)
Cost: $200 per youth (scholarships may be available).
When: June 10-12
Where: Raleigh
Registration Deadline: May 10, 2019 (12:00 pm)
How to Register - Contact the Extension Office for more information and/ or fill out the CITIZENSHIP FOCUS GOOGLE FORM . $50 Deposit is due to hold your spot. You must come by the office to be officially registered (90 S. Main St, 3rd Floor)
4-H Citizenship North Carolina Focus will be held June 10-12, 2019 in Raleigh at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel. Again this year, we are grateful to North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives- Touchstone Energy for being our conference Signature Sponsor. I encourage you to take the time to tell them thank you for their support and encourage your 4-H'ers to do the same.
*Who can attend?*
200 North Carolina 4-H'ers, ages 14 through 18. We are recruiting three youth per county.
*Conference Highlights*
* Citizenship themed workshops
* Panel discussions
* Distinguished speakers
* Visits with elected officials
* Off site visits in Raleigh
Cost: $200 per youth (scholarships may be available).
When: June 10-12
Where: Raleigh
Registration Deadline: May 10, 2019 (12:00 pm)
How to Register - Contact the Extension Office for more information and/ or fill out the CITIZENSHIP FOCUS GOOGLE FORM . $50 Deposit is due to hold your spot. You must come by the office to be officially registered (90 S. Main St, 3rd Floor)
4-H Citizenship North Carolina Focus will be held June 10-12, 2019 in Raleigh at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel. Again this year, we are grateful to North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives- Touchstone Energy for being our conference Signature Sponsor. I encourage you to take the time to tell them thank you for their support and encourage your 4-H'ers to do the same.
*Who can attend?*
200 North Carolina 4-H'ers, ages 14 through 18. We are recruiting three youth per county.
*Conference Highlights*
* Citizenship themed workshops
* Panel discussions
* Distinguished speakers
* Visits with elected officials
* Off site visits in Raleigh
Monday, April 15, 2019
2019 Alleghany 4-H Plant Sale
**4-18-19 Updated with corrected order form**
We are now taking orders for the 2019 Alleghany 4-H Annual Spring Plant Sale...
We are offering the following types of plants for purchase:
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Elderberries
- Ferns
- Flowers
- Herbs
- Horseradish
- Raspberries
- Rhubarb
- Strawberries
- Succulents
- Vegetables
Payment is due at the time the orders are placed. **We accept credit/debit cards for payment. Phone orders can and will be accepted with a credit/debit card purchase.**
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Thursday, May 9th and Friday May 10th (9am - 5pm)
ALL proceeds are used for scholarships for Alleghany County youth to attend 4-H Camp and other 4-H programming.
You may pick up an order form at the Extension Office or you can CLICK HERE for an online version. For more information, call 336-372-5597 or email Michele Hamm.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
2019 North Qualifying 4-H Horse Show
The 2019 North Qualifying 4-H Hors e Show information is now available. We will have the show on May 18-19, 2019 in Raleigh at the Hunt Complex in Raleigh. We will be sharing the facility again with the Wake County All Youth Open Show which is open to all youth to participate in.
You can find all the forms in 2 places. One is at the Rockingham County 4-H website located HERE under '2019 North Qualifying 4-H Hor se Show.'
And you can also find it located on the Extension Horse Husbandry WEBSITE.
Please remember to request your eligibility card online HERE.
All 4-H members showing must be enrolled in the 4-H Online system. Enrollment will be verified before entry will be accepted.
ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY APRIL 22nd. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE OR INCOMPLETE. A missing eligibility card or entry waiver means incomplete.
The North Central District is offering a sponsorship incentive again this year---
Anyone that gets $100 in sponsorships for the show will receive a free stall at the show. If you are taking advantage of this incentive please be sure that you mail in your sponsorship forms and sponsor money with your entry forms so that we can make note of your free stall!
We will be sending out show volunteer requests later but please know every 4-H club is expected to help during the show!
Lastly, our judges for the show are:
Lauren Maddox - Western, Non-Trotting, Saddleseat, Adaptive, Ranch, Stock Type Hunter and Gaming
Jean Cross - Hunter Showmanship and Over Fences
AC Jones - Hunter Showmanship and Hunter Flat
Thanks and we are looking forward to a great show in May!
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